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Monday, August 30, 2010

Update: Fate of Machinimas

Alright, to clear up somethings, Gradient will be able to be finished with episode twenty being the finale. Hired Guns will be taking a different turn:

Gradient S2's Fate:
Episode 8, 9, and 10 will be the ending, the four going through the teleporter, but Captain Scott decides to get into a different fight, drunkenly taking on the army occupying the overrun Northern Base Command with his own two hands...and Jeff's modified rocket.

Hired Guns S2's Fate:
I will be moving this machinima to Halo: Reach and here's how I will do it. Darrel will be imprisoned for five-to-ten years in jail awaiting the death penalty due to his mob connections refusing to help him out. He escapes during his moving to either the needle or to another prison, and decides to teach his old partners a lesson in loyalty. Derek is assigned to retrieving Darrel and old wounds reopen in a desperate battle between the hitman and the cop, with the police force and mafia in a gunfight later on. X3

Hope you guys like this. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Reaons for Delays...

I know I hae not been uploading videos as frequently as I used too, and there is a reason.

1. My family has been getting together numerous times out of the week for reunions and summer celebratons, such as visiting Dounrey Park, Florida vacation etc. This time draws away from my machinima work.

2. I am currently in the process of having my braces removed, so numerous orthedontic appointments are necessary, also takin time away. I also visit a charopractor for problems with my back, but that's personal.

3. My friends come around from time to time so we can hang out, and I'm not going to ignore them just to make machinima. Plus, I've been getting into airsoft so...yeah.

4. School's coming back, and I have no doubt, when Halo: Reach comes out, I will be on with my machinima, but if I do not finish my Halo 3 machinimas by then, I might have to abandon them unfortunately. :( sry, but interest only lasts a long time.
